Friday, April 25, 2008

Why I should not be naked around my kids

If you're going to take offense, that's just silly and don't bother reading on. But, if you think toddlers are so naive that you just want to have a good laugh then please read on. I was getting out of the shower and Kristian comes in the bathroom. (M=Me, K=Kristian) M-Kristian, please go away, Mommy's naked. K-But I want to see your boobies. M-You have your own boobies, where are they? K-(Points to his) Right here but you have BIG boobies. (sounding very exagerated) I am at this point shocked and slightly embarrased at my son's intrest and I call for Dan to come get him and I shut the door. Yeah, I think it's time for a little more modesty and privacy around here!


Becca & Joel said...

Totally not offended! I think every mommy has had a very similar experience at some point in the lives of their children. Someday, I'll have to share Joel's explination of boys and their obsession with boobs - but probably not an appropriate thing to post on someone else's blog!